In what field of ministry are you currently involved?
* ITINERANTS, please check the area you specialize in:
If a pastor, average attendance:
If a missionary, list country(ies) you primarily minister:
If an Itinerant, how many times did you minister this past year?
If you are in TRANSITION at this time, please explain:
AFCM Leadership that you have been contact with:
How many AFCM meetings did you attend this year?
Which annual AFCM meeting(s) did you attend this year?
Did you financially support AFCM this past year?
With what other ministerial organizations are you Licensed and/or Ordained:
What can AFCM do to better assist you?
Please give a brief summary of your ministry activities this past year including healings, salvations, etc., and special outreaches of your church or ministry:
Is there anything in your life that would hinder your ministry at this time?
If you have answered yes, please give an explanation including dates and details in the space below.
I acknowledge that I agree with the Tenets of Faith and Ministerial Ethics set forth by the Association of Faith Churches and Ministers.
I hereby state my willingness to submit to the spiritual authority and guidelines of AFCM. If at any time I feel I can no longer agree with the beliefs and practices of this organization, or if it is requested by those in authority for any reason, I will forfeit and return my ministerial credentials (certificate and wallet card) to AFCM.
I understand that it is a requirement for all AFCM affiliated churches, ministries, and organizations to conduct thorough background checks on all employees and volunteers that work in the children and youth departments. Failure to do so will be cause for dismissal from AFCM.
I understand this application will be held in confidence. Only those persons with a need to know will review it. I grant AFCM and its leadership permission to verify information on this application to include a criminal background check and credit history.
I understand that AFCM gives an update on all members annually. This includes not only active members, but also those whose memberships have "Lapsed" due to non-renewal, those who have "Withdrawn" from, or are "Dismissed" from AFCM during the course of the year. I understand that if my membership lapses, I withdraw, or am dismissed from AFCM my name will appear in the appropriate category in the next AFCM Directory.
By signing this Renewal Application I agree with the conditions set forth in the paragraphs above and I hereby state that all the information contained on the renewal is correct and true.